Customize Camtasia (Favorites & Presets)

Save frequently-used video enhancements and custom properties as presets or favorites to reduce your editing time.

Camtasia product icon
Save custom properties for annotations, transitions, behaviors, animations, and effects.
  1. Click an enhancement tab on the left.
  2. Drag an enhancement from the selected tab onto the canvas or timeline.
  3. Click the Properties button.
    properties button
  4. Edit the properties to customize the enhancement. See Discover the Properties Panel.
  5. Click the plus sign button to save a new preset button to save the custom properties as a new preset.

Camtasia saves the preset to the tab. To view preset annotations, select User from the Style dropdown.
style menu to select saved presets

Presets are indicated by the user icon (Windows only).
User icon to signify a saved preset

Tip: Customize the name to quickly find your presets.

To rename a preset, right-click (Windows) or Control+click (Mac) the preset and select Rename. Type the new name and press the Enter key. Name customization is not available for annotations.

Add frequently-used annotations, transitions, behaviors, animations, and effects to the Favorites tab.

Package your Favorites to share with others to:
  • Maintain a consistent look or style across videos.
  • Help your team build professional videos based on your favorite video enhancements.
  1. Click an enhancement tab on the left.
  2. Click the Favorites icon Gray star icon to signify not saved to Favorites on an enhancement.

Camtasia adds the enhancement to the Favorites tab.
favorite tools and effects selected in Camtasia

To remove a favorite from the Favorites tab, click the Favorites icon Yellow star icon to signify saved to favorites.
Restore Defaults
Reset default annotations, transitions, behaviors, animations, and effects in the selected tab to the original defaults.
  1. Click an enhancement tab on the left.
  2. Right-click (Windows) or Control+click (Mac) an empty area in the tab pane and select Restore All Default (Windows) or Restore Default (Mac).