WPML Taxomony

The taxonomy work is mapping the EN category words and URLs to the other languages.

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The taxonomy work is mapping the EN category words and URLs to the other languages.

WordPress comes with a powerful taxonomy system, including post categories and tags as well as user-defined taxonomies, for example for portfolio categories or product attributes in ecommerce-sites.

WPML makes it easy to translate these taxonomies. We consider only the case of product categories, but any taxonomy registered with WordPress has a similar interface. You can translate taxonomy individually, from the taxonomy edit screens, or centrally.

Enabling Translation of a Custom Taxonomy

Before we start translating a custom taxonomy, we need to enable this. To do this, go to the WPML -> Settings page. There, scroll to the Taxonomies Translation section and set your custom taxonomy to Translate. Note that you can set the Translate option to show only translated items on the front-end or to use translation if available or fallback to the default language.

Categories / Tags

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