Add a Transition

Learn how to add a transition between video clips or to animate text, annotations, or objects in your video.

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Transitions Overview

Add transitions to apply visual changes between clips or animate the appearance of elements in your video. Transitions can be applied to media, annotations, text, and assets on the timeline.

Common Uses for Transitions

Camtasia has over 175 transitions available. Play around to find your favorites. Here are some recommended uses for transitions in a video to get you started:


Passage of Time
Convey some time has passed, such as when a download has occurred or the video does not show the entire process.

Try a Gradient Wipe, Card Flip, or Card Swipe.


Switch Context
Signify a change in context. For example, demonstrate switching between applications in a recording or between sections in your video.

Try a Cube Rotate, Swap, or Card Flip.


Smooth Transition
Ease the transition between scenes or the sudden appearance of objects, such as arrows, in your video.

Try a Fade.


Animate Media or Objects
Create movement for elements in your video.

Try a Slide Left or Slide Right.


Artistic Visual Effect
Achieve a specific visual effect to convey the message or tone in the video. For example, Snapshot is great for a photograph effect, and Glitch can convey the feeling of an old video or throwback.

These are best used sparingly in a video and to serve a specific purpose.

Add a Transition

  1. Select the Transitions tab.
  2. To find a transition, complete any of the following:
    • Browse the list of transitions.
    • To filter the list of transitions, select an option from the Type dropdown.
    • Enter the transition name or type in the Search field.
      Transitions tab with Type dropdown and Search field
  3. Drag your cursor over the transition thumbnail to preview it.
    Drag cursor over transition to preview
  4. Drag the transition onto media or annotations on the timeline.
    transition drop zones on the timeline
  5. The drop location on the media impacts where the transition is applied:
    • Drag to the left end of the media to apply the transition to the beginning.
      start transition
    • Drag to the right end of the media to apply the transition to the end.
      end transition
    • Drag to the middle of the media to apply the transition to both the beginning and the end.
      transition between clips
  6. To change the duration of the transition, drag the end of the transition in or out.
    Drag timeline zoom slider
    Tip: Drag the Timeline slider to make it easier to select and edit the transition.
  7. Some transitions have additional properties you can customize. Click to select the transition on the timeline and click the Properties button to view the properties available.

Best Practices

  • Transitions can help you create the perfect visual transition or effect, but adding too many can be distracting to your viewers. Use transitions sparingly throughout your video.
  • Play around to find your favorite transitions. When you find your preferred transitions, click the Star icon on a transition to add it to your Favorites for quick access.
    Fade transition with yellow star icon
  • Use consistent transitions across your videos so viewers become familiar with what the visual transition indicates. For example, you can always use a Card Flip transition to signify switching between a desktop app to a website or a Gradient Wipe transition to convey the passage of time.
  • Make sure the transition serves a purpose in the video. It should help support the message or tone of the video, not distract your viewers.

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