macOS Permissions

Learn how to enable permissions for Camtasia on macOS 10.14 or later.

Camtasia product icon

Permissions are required for TechSmith Camtasia to capture video and access the OS Photo Library. A dialog appears the first time Camtasia runs on macOS 10.14 or later.
Enable system preferences for Camtasia

To open the Camtasia System Permissions dialog again, click Camtasia > Settings (macOS 13 or later) or Preferences (macOS 12 or earlier) > General tab > Camtasia System Permissions.

Enable Permissions in Camtasia

  1. In the Camtasia System Permissions dialog, click Edit System Permissions or the Enable button for a permission.
  2. Complete one of the following:
    • macOS 13 or later: The Privacy & Security settings dialog opens. Click the corresponding Camtasia version checkbox in the right column to allow the permission.
      System Settings dialog on macOS13
    • macOS 12 or earlier: The Security & Privacy > Privacy tab dialog appears. Click the corresponding Camtasia version checkbox in the right column to allow the permission.
      Open security & privacy system permissions
  3. After a permission is enabled, a prompt to exit Camtasia appears. Click Quit & Reopen or click Later to manually restart Camtasia at a later time after all desired permissions are enabled.

Note: It is recommended to enable all permissions before restarting Camtasia. If you do not restart after permission changes, Camtasia may display unpredictable behavior.

Manually Edit Permissions

  1. Complete one of the following:
    • macOS 13 or later: Open Mac System Settings > Privacy & Security. Click the permission type in the right column.
      Privacy categories in macOS 13 System Settings
    • macOS12 or earlier: Open Mac System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy tab. Click the permission type in the left column.
      Open security & privacy system permissions
  2. Click the corresponding Camtasia version checkbox in the right column to allow the permission.
  3. If Camtasia is running and a permission is allowed, a prompt to exit Camtasia appears. Click Quit & Reopen or click Later to manually restart Camtasia at a later time after all desired permissions are enabled.

Note: It is recommended to enable all permissions before restarting Camtasia. If you do not restart after permission changes, Camtasia may display unpredictable behavior.

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