Discover the Properties Panel

The Properties panel in Camtasia allows you to customize media, annotations, behaviors, effects, and assets added to the timeline.

Camtasia product icon

The Properties panel shows the available options to customize media, annotations, behaviors, effects, and assets on the timeline or canvas.

OptionEdit Properties
Open Properties
(media, annotations, behaviors, or effects)
  1. Click to select media on the timeline.
    For effects and behaviors, click the Show Effects tray icon on the media and click the effect or behavior.
    click to expand or collapse effects
  2. Click the Properties button.
    Properties button
Edit Quick Properties for Assets
Edit properties such as titles, logos, colors, text, and more for assets.
  1. Click to select asset on timeline.
  2. Click the Properties button.
    Properties button
  3. On the Quick Properties tab, edit the desired properties.
    Quick Properties
    To learn how to customize the properties for groups and assets, see Create Custom Assets.
View Effect Properties
If multiple effects are added to media, you may have to scroll to view all the properties available.
Effects tray expanded
  1. Click to select media on timeline.
  2. Click the Properties button.
    Properties button
  3. Drag the scroll bar in the Properties panel.
    Drag scrollbar to view all properties
Reset to Default SettingsClick the Reset Defaults button button in the properties.
Preview Effects
Turn an effect, transition, or behavior on/off. Disabled effects are not applied in the preview or exported video.
  1. Click to select media on timeline.
    For effects or behaviors, click the Show Effects tray icon on the media. Click to select the effect or to expand or collapse effects
  2. Click the Properties button.
    Properties button
  3. Click the Enable/Disable button to turn the effect on or off.
    Noise Removal Effect button
Remove the applied effect, animation, or behavior from media on the timeline.
Click the Delete button button in the properties.
Delete button magnified

To undo the delete:
  • Press Ctrl+Z (Windows) or Command+Z (Mac).
  • Select Edit > Undo.
Add a Preset
Save annotations, behaviors, and effects.
  1. Click an enhancement tab such as the Annotations tab > Callouts subtab.
  2. Drag an enhancement onto the canvas or media on the timeline.
  3. In the properties, customize the enhancement as desired.
    Callout properties
  4. Click the Add Preset to save the custom enhancement properties as a new preset.

Note: To view annotation presets, select Annotations tab > Style and select User from the Style dropdown. See Customize Camtasia (Favorites & Presets).

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