Add a Conversation to a Video

Learn how to use in-video commenting to connect with students, and also connect them with each other.

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Add a Conversation to a Video

  1. Click the Conversations tab below the video on the view page.
  2. Click Add Conversation
  3. Enter a Title.
Add a conversation to a video

Share a Conversation

  1. Click Get Link
  2. Copy the link and share it via email or post it in your course website.
Share a conversation

Open a Conversation

  1. Click the Conversation title. 
  2. Viewers can watch the video, post questions and comments, and answer each other’s questions. 
  3. Use the annotation tools to point to a specific area in the video.

Note: If a participant is not signed into their TechSmith account, they are prompted to either sign in, or self-identify themselves. This is required to add a comment, or reply to someone else’s comment in the video.

Open a conversation

Receive Notifications

  • Turn on Receive Notifications to get an email if someone replies to your post. 
  • Click the View Now button in the email to go directly to the conversation in the video.
Receive notifications toggle

Edit or Delete Comments

  • As the content owner, remove other people’s comments by going to Edit and then Delete.  

Note: Individual participants can only edit and delete their own comments.

Edit or delete comments

Conversation Options

  1. On the video view page, Navigate to the Conversations Tab to see updated analytics about the Conversation.
  2. Click the Options menu to download a spreadsheet of the comments, or Clear Comments to remove all comments from this Conversation. 
  3. Click the trash can to Delete the Conversation permanently, and the pencil icon to Rename the Conversation title.
Conversation options

Add Multiple Conversations to the Same Video

  1. From the Conversations Tab, click Add Conversation.
  2. Enter a new Title. 
  3. Share and manage this Conversation with new participants, since it has its own unique URL.

Note: The URLs for Conversations are different from the URL to  share the video.

Add multiple conversations