Save Capture Settings as Presets

Save time by creating a preset to automatically remember your capture settings.

3d Snagit icon

Presets automatically remember your capture settings. Use presets to:

  • Save commonly used capture settings.
  • Quickly switch between capture types based on the task at hand.
  • Automatically add effects such as borders or capture information.
  • Directly save captures to your preferred file format without opening Snagit Editor.

Capture with a Preset

  1. In the Capture window, click the Presets button.
    Presets button
  2. The list of available presets expands. Hover the cursor over the desired preset until a red Preset Capture button appears. Click the button to start the capture.
    Preset Capture button

Tip: Assign keyboard shortcuts to Presets.

To assign a keyboard shortcut to a Preset, click the Add Hotkey (Windows) or + Shortcut (Mac) field and press the desired key combination on the the keyboard.

Add a New Preset

Quickly add a new preset based on currently selected settings.

  1. In the Capture window, adjust the settings to the capture you want to create a preset for. For details about capture settings, see Capture an Image or Record a Video with Snagit.
  2. Click the Add Preset dropdown.
    Preset dropdown
  3. Select the New preset from current settings option from the dropdown.

    Note: You can also choose to add a preset by selecting New Preset and then manually pick the capture settings to add to the preset in the window that opens.

  4. A new preset is added to the saved presets list. Type a name for the preset and press Enter.
    Type name in Preset field
  5. To assign a keyboard shortcut, click the Add Hotkey (Windows) or + Shortcut (Mac) fields and press the desired key combination on the keyboard.
    Add a hotkey Add shortcut

Edit a Preset

  1. In the Capture window, click the Presets button.
    Presets button
  2. The list of available presets expands. Click the Properties icon icon to the right of the preset name and select one of the options in the dropdown.
    Preset Properties dropdown

Arrange the Preset List (Windows)

  1. Hover your cursor over the desired preset until the Preset Move icon icon appears.
  2. Click and drag the icon to move the preset up or down in the preset list.
    Drag icon to move preset

Share Presets (Windows)

Import and export Snagit presets (.snagpresets) to share your capture settings with others.

Import a Preset

  1. In the Capture window, select File > Import Presets.
  2. Select a Snagit Preset file (.snagpresets) and click Open. Control+click (Windows) or Command+click (Mac) to select multiple presets.
  3. Snagit adds the imported presets to the saved Presets list.

Export a Preset

  1. In the Capture window, click the Presets button.
    Presets button
  2. The list of available presets expands. Click the Properties icon icon next to the preset to export and select Export.
    Preset Properties dropdown
  3. The Save As dialog appears. Select a location.
  4. Enter a file name.
  5. Click Save.

Note: This tutorial is for Snagit version 2024. Previous versions may look or function differently.

All Snagit Tutorials