Snagit File Format Compatibility

Learn which options and tool properties have limited compatibility on older versions or across platforms.

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Save as SNAG

The SNAG file format (used in older versions of Snagit Windows) does not support some new options available in Snagit 2022 or later. To maintain these options in your file, save to the SNAGX file format.

The following table illustrates images saved as SNAGX versus SNAG:

Tool PropertySaved as SNAGX
(New file format)
Saved as SNAG
(For older versions of Snagit Windows)
Arrow and Line Tools
“T” end styles
T shaped end styles as SNAGXT shaped end styles as SNAG
Callout Tool
Multiple tails
Callout with multiple tails as SNAGXCallout with multiple tails as SNAG
Callout Tool
Cloud shape tail
Cloud callout with tail as SNAGXCloud callout with tail as SNAG
Callout Tool
Dotted and dashed line styles
SNAGX callout with dotted lineCallout dotted line becomes solid line when saved as SNAG file
Callout and Text Tools
Reduced text padding
SNAGX Callout with less text paddingSNAG Callout with less text padding
Step Tool
Transparent fill
Transparent steps as SNAGXTransparent steps as SNAG

A dialog displays when you select File > Save As > SNAG for a file that includes any of these properties.
Incompatible File Format notification

  • Select Save As .snagx to preserve the properties.
  • Select Save As .snag to save without these properties.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Windows to Mac

Some tool properties in Snagit Windows are not fully supported in Snagit Mac. Files that include these options may not appear the same when opened in Snagit Mac.

The following table illustrates images created in Snagit Windows and then opened in Snagit Mac:

Tool PropertyWindowsMac
Arrow Tool
Some end styles
Arrow end styles on WindowsArrow end styles on Mac
Arrow Tool
Curves appear the same on Mac. Edit with Windows-style (“Bezier”) curve handles rather than Mac-style curve handles. (See Arrow Tool to learn how to edit curves on each platform.)
Curved arrow made in WindowsCurved arrow made in Windows
Callout Tool
Shapes with rounded corners
Callout with rounded corners on WindowsCallout with rounded corners displayed on Mac
Callout Tool
Shapes with curved tails and adjustable tail widths
Callouts with adjustable tail widths on WindowsCallouts with adjustable tail widths displayed on Mac
Pen Tool
Pen shape other than a circle
Pen drawing on WindowsPen drawing displayed on Mac
Callout and Text Tools
Text padding
Callout with text on WindowsCallout with padded text on Mac

Note: Snagit Mac does not display these properties the same as Snagit Windows, but it preserves the properties in the file. Properties display as expected when the file is reopened in Snagit Windows.

Mac to Windows

Some options in Snagit Mac are not supported in Snagit Windows. They may not display the same and may be lost if you open the file in Snagit Windows.

The following table illustrates images created in Snagit Mac and then opened in Snagit Windows:

Option or Tool PropertyMacWindows
Border, shadow, edge, and other effects
Effects applied on MacMac effects displayed on Windows
Object Locking
Objects locked on Mac are editable on Windows
Object locked on MacObject is editable on Windows
Arrow Tool
Curves appear the same on Windows. Edit with Mac-style curve handles rather than Windows-style (“Bezier”) curve handles. (See Arrow Tool to learn how to edit curves on each platform.)
Curved arrow on MacCurved arrow on Mac
Fill Tool
Global Fill
Global fill on MacGlobal fill on Windows
Callout Tool
Tail on explosion shape
Explosion callout with tail on MacExplosion callout with tail on Windows
Shape Tool
Dashed and dotted line styles
Dashed shape on MacDashed shape displayed on Windows
Unsupported properties will be lost if you open the file in Snagit Windows.

A dialog displays if you open a file that includes unsupported features.
Windows warning about Mac properties

  • Select Open File and risk losing unsupported features.
  • Select Cancel to preserve the file for further editing in Snagit Mac.

Note: This tutorial is for Snagit version 2024. Previous versions may look or function differently.