Voice translator

Create multilingual content easily with Camtasia Audiate’s powerful AI-driven voice translator. It’s time to reach your global audience.
Script translated from English to French and a narrator speaking it.

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Ready to experience Camtasia Audiate’s powerful voice translation tools?

Camtasia Create

Accelerate your video creation

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Billed yearly

Everything in Camtasia Essentials, plus:

  • Text-based video editing
  • AI-generated script creation
  • Audio cleanup: remove uuhms, aahs, and noise
  • 200+ AI-generated audio voices and styles

Camtasia Pro

Scale your video creation

$599 Limited time offer
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Billed yearly

Everything in Camtasia Create, plus:

  • Video reviews and collaboration
  • AI-translated scripts and captions
  • AI-generated video titles, descriptions, and chapters
  • 100M+ premium assets